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On 5 October 2024, Odin’s Warrior Tribe will once again partner with Icelandic Glima Champion wrestlers, Hurstwic, and Nine Realms MMA in Martinsburg, West Virginia to bring authentic Icelandic Glima back to the US. There will be an all-day hands-on training event on 5 October including a talk on the history/role of Glima “The Fighting Method of the Vikings” as our friends at Hurstwic describe it.  The training for active and veteran military and (LEO/First Responders) will be on the grassy fields of our Viking Camp in Maryland on the Potomac close to Leonardtown.  You must add a note to your registration or send a separate email to and tell us how you qualify listing military or LEO or first responder service details.  Once your registration is approved, you will be provided directions and more information.   


Training will start at 9am (0900 hours) on 5 October and will end around 5pm (1700 hours). There will be water, coffee, a light lunch, and BBQ dinner at the end of training provided free. A donation of $10 is requested at registration to hold your place. You need to be prepared for an all-day intensive training activity and will be required to sign a waiver. Long athletic pants, tee shirts, and tennis shoes required – though we may end up training barefoot. There may be camping opportunities at our Viking Camp on Saturday night for no additional fee. We are working on that.  We can also send info on some local hotels.  There may also be a chance to sail on our Viking Boat the Sae Ulfr after training. 


Training priority will be for active and veteran military with other slots to be opened later if those are not filled. This is one of our charitable programs for active and veteran military. Odin’s Warrior Tribe is a 501c3 nonprofit and registered charity in Virgina and Maryland. We reserve the right to not register anyone deemed to be potentially disruptive.


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